
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Impact, New Content and Senate Discussions

Impact and Logic Models
As many of you  know, we have been focused more and more on impact over the last several years.  How do you know whether your program or organization is having an impact? Is it your intended impact?  What activities or services deliver the most impact?  These are questions we consider constantly in our work, and why we often recommend the use of a logic model as a tool and process to guide and inspire the day-to-day work of staff, boards and stakeholders.  Recently I ran across an article that, in my opinion, finally describes what a logic model is clearly and offers concrete examples (San Francisco's own Larkin Street Youth Services and Harlem Children's Zone) that illustrate the process and use beautifully.  Published in the Fall, 2004 issue of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, it is worth a 15 minute read if you are still unsure of what a Logic Model is or its value:  Stanford Social Innovation Review article "Zeroing in on Impact"

Recent Pathways Workshop: Delivering Meaningful Outcomes
We are also excited to share Pathways Consultant's Powerpoint presentation from our workshop “Delivering Meaningful Outcomes: Impact-Driven Program Design and Planning” delivered at San Francisco's Office of Economic and Workforce Development Spring Workforce Forum for anyone who would like to see some examples of or learn more about Logic Models (see the section "Third Workshop Sessions (4/13:  10:45am to 12:00pm)).  And of course we welcome your questions and comments by email or our blog.

New Materials Added to our 'Education' Page
We also wanted to mention that we added three new papers focusing on effective strategies to re-engage disconnected youth with education. Notably, the paper by MDRC  "Building a Learning Agenda Around Disconnected Youth" is a useful survey of national and community based efforts and includes a profile of Larkin Street Youth Services. They pop up everywhere!

Senate Discusses Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act
We can't believe that these discussions are actually happening, eight years overdue!! If you are interested in following the discussion and engaging your representative, you can get updates and analysis from the National Skills Coalition.

Enjoy the sunshine, 
Pathways Consultants
Kim Coulthurst and Amanda Gerrie

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