
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

BPPE ETPL Application Support

Hello Friends-
Hope your holiday was restful and enjoyable. I wanted to reach out to you because Pathways Consultants has decided to launch a new service. We are now supporting training programs in the completion of their applications to the Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education (BPPE) so that you may continue to accept WIOA eligible participants from the Employment and Training Provider List (ETPL). 

If you don't know what any of that means, I don't blame you! Simply put, if you provide a technical skills training program and would like to be reimbursed for expenses providing training to low-income adults, let us know! We can make the process painless and straightforward. Here's a flyer to share with colleagues.

We are proposing to offer two tiers of services to agencies who would like to apply. 
Tier 1: Developmental Support and Consultation—This would involve advising you on the application process and providing consultation services to agencies who would like to create the submittal materials themselves. In your case you might need to modify most materials rather than re-create them. We also can submit the proposal in your stead, which because we have attended state approved course with the BPPE on completing the application properly, would get your application reviewed in about 2-3 months rather than 2 years.

Tier 2: Writing and Application Creation: We work with you to gather documents based on the application criteria and as needed create and modify documents to comply with the BPPE guidelines. We can also submit the proposal and expedite the review process. This takes approximately 25-40 hours to create/modify these documents to be ready for submittal depending on what you have readily available. 

Contact us for a free assessment to gauge your readiness both in terms of document preparation and the oversight that being BPPE approved brings once you're approved. 

Amanda Gerrie & Kim Coulthurst

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