
Monday, September 30, 2013

College & Career Readiness Meetup 10/8 5:30-7:30pm

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Well, better late than never!  The former Bay Area Youth Worker Meetup (now called the Bay Area College & Career Readiness Meetup) is having its second happy hour.  We have long wished we could convene all of the wonderful folks we know around the Bay Area who have similar interests and passions (workforce, education, youth work) over snacks and cocktails.  Smart, interesting people and cocktails . . . really, does it get better?!

If you would like to enjoy an adult beverage and good company, please come to the Bay Area College & Career Readiness Meetup:

Tuesday, October 8
Fauna (next to Flora at 1900 Telegraph in downtown Oakland, off of the 20th Street BART Station)

Please take the time to complete the EventBrite registration so we can tell you about the next Meetup:

Please spread the word and invite colleagues and friends.  We hope to have these happy hours 3-4 times per year on both sides of the Bay. 

Hope to see you there, Kim Coulthurst & Amanda Gerrie, Partners, Pathways Consultants

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